Tuesday 7 October 2014


What we did on our holiday is a British comedy released by BBC films. The main actors of the film include David Tennant, Billy Connolly and Rosamund Pike. The movie’s biggest target audience is generally that of families due to the plot of the movie focusing on a dysfunctional family with young children. The movie could also be for fans of the hit BBC show Outnumbered as it is from the creators of that show. It could also be for people who are fans of some of the actors work e.g. Billy Connolly and David Tennant have many fans due to their work on stand-up comedy and TV. 
The movie is a national film as it has not been released internationally. This could be due to the fact that the humour is very British and may not appeal to American audiences. Also, actors like Billy Connolly are not as well-known as they are in the UK. The movie also has an British location  being set in Scotland which makes it more relatable    to British audiences.

Movie distribution can work in a number of different ways. For example, smaller film productions maybe shown at film festivals in order for the director to gain a major production company to help distribute the film. Bigger movies will have to buy out cinemas and decide whether it will be released in a couple of cinemas across the country, be released nationally or internationally.Also, newspapers such as the Sunday Times give movie tickets out for free at some points.




  1. The aim of this task is to demonstrate your understanding of how the distributor attracted and addressed the particular audience for THIS film. Please add a document that shows your analysis of different elements in the film poster (like Freddie's). Be more specific: you KNOW that this film offered pre-release screenings through Times+, so SAY SO!
