Thursday 16 October 2014

Les Bleus De Ramville

Les Bleus De Ramville is a French-Canadian TV show that won an award for its TV intro. The intro uses a wide variety of different camera techniques in order to convey the atmosphere of a hockey game in such a short period of time. 

This cut in shot displays a lot of effective techniques for example. We can't see his head but we can see the gradual preparation for the game and the nervousness this character displays. The shot also allows us to see all the hockey gear, allowing for the audience to understand what goes into the game even before the actual play off.

                                                                                                                                                           The lone shot of the hockey mask is quite an effective way as the camera pans across the mask.It creates a massive build up to the game itself and the mask could be represented as a way of showing that they're about to "go into battle". The mask is also off center as the name of Stephan Paquette is the main focus of the frame, showing that he's an important player.

                                                                                                                                           This shot gives us an idea of the strategy involved in the game of hockey. Through visual effects, we see the plan of where everything is going to go throughout the game. It gives us an idea of how tactics are important to the characters of the show. This shot is also made effective because of its use of CGI as the blue circles that represent the players and where their ultimate position is going to be.      

                                                                                                                                                            This shot is a low angle shot that shows the intensity of the game that is being played. The players almost seem quite powering and you can feel the full force as the goalkeeper tries to maintain his position and to stop the opposition from scoring a goal.It makes the audience feel tense and the shot between the legs almost makes you feel like you're actually the puck due to the way it is shot.

This  effective  shot is when one of the players pushes a player from the opposition into the glass. This is effective as it allows a realistic view of the world of hockey, by showing the violence of the sport. It goes into slow motion to give the audience the idea of the full force and violence of the game itself. The slomo makes the audience experience every painful microsecond of the impact.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Another low angle shot is placed here, showing the reaction of one of the crowd members. The sequence is presented in slow motion showing the celebration and mad energy of the game. We see the pleasures and excitement in this man's face as we can see that his team has just scored a goal. The use of a close up on his face is very effective for these reasons  The slow motion is used here as we can see beer and popcorn being scattered all over the place, again showing how much excitement and energy is being placed both on and off the field of play.


  1. You studied 'Les Bleus de Ramville' for its award winning camerawork. You analyse thoughtfully three frames that you enjoy: go for three more, please. In screenshots, constrain your frame to exclude unnecessary details. Proof read your writing ('powering'? 'The lone shot of the hockey mask is quite an effective way '?)

  2. Thank you, I have added more analysis to these posts
