Wednesday 3 December 2014

Social groups for our film opening

  • What are the social groups represented in terms of gender, age, class, race, occupation, sexuality etc? 
  • Our film opening probably won't touch upon the ideas of race and sexuality but the film will touch upon gender as they're male and female characters in the movie. The age of characters will tend to be young, most likely in their 20s. The character of the private detective will likely be middle class whilst the woman could be middle or upper class.
  • Is gender represented in a stereotypical way e.g. women as passive, men as dominant? 
  • Due to the late 1950s setting, women did not have as many rights as men did. Most laws that supported woman equality came during the 1960s and 1970s. This issue will probably be touched upon in the movie but it won't be a major part of the movie. Also, because our main female character is only really in the opening, it won't portray her in a stereotypical "damsel in distress". In fact, a male is the one who needs being found and rescued. Stereotypes won't be present in our film opening but it will perhaps touch upon the issues of gender inequality during the mid 20th century.

I also created a  pininterest that will help give some idea on the setting and types of characters that will be used in the movie.


  1. What about the representation of government institutions? Your film is about the suppressing of secrets, isn't it? If you hyperlink the Pinterest I can open it properly.

  2. Thank you, I have hyperlinked the pininterest
