Friday 20 March 2015

Filming: tunnel sequence

For this scene, my character was filmed walking down a tunnel to get to the asylum. In order to create a better sense of atmosphere and dread, we decided to film a couple of POV shots in order to get a feeling like my character was being watched. We originally used a GoPro for this sequence but decided that the footage seemed too "shaky" making it hard to see. In the end, we decided to use the actual camera for this sequence instead but with no tripod. Also, we originally were going to do a POV from my perspective in order for the audience to understand what it was like in my shoes. However, we didn't think the footage looked particularly promising so we decided to change this part once again.

We used multiple shots for this sequence to make it seem far more threatening. We had a shot of me being watched from behind as well as one of me being watched from above. I thought this was an excellent idea due to the fact that it created a sense of dread. The way it's shot makes it the audience doesn't know whether I'm being watched by multiple figures or just by simply one that perhaps has some sort of supernatural background to it. 

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