Monday 19 January 2015

Planning: Script

We finished our call sheet and decided to work on the scenes in the movie that required large amounts of dialogue. The scene in which the woman meets the detective was the scene that required the largest amount of dialogue so we decided to write that scene. We got used to writing the script and eventually finished it within a lesson.

Script for Office and Voiceovers:

Woman: Mr Bogart! I am terribly upset that it has been so long since you last contacted me!

Detective: Please Mrs Clifton calm down and take a seat. We have a lot to discuss

Mrs Clifton (Woman) takes seat

Detective: Look this is completely out of my league. I can’t be breaking into abandoned government facilities in the middle of nowhere with very little information! I usually deal with women who wonder where their husbands go at night!

Woman: I am paying you very good money to do this menial task so I expect some sort of evidence that my husband is still alive!

Detective: You have given me nothing but a location and a picture of your husband. That is not enough information to do a full investigation!!

Woman: If you need more information here you go.

Woman smacks the file down on the detective's desk
(flashback to husband and boss walking down mansion steps)

Woman: I found this hidden in a secret compartment inside one of my husbands old briefcases.

Detective takes file and examens it

Detective: (under his breath) Jesus Christ!

Detective puts file down and lights cigarette using match

Woman: This (tapping on the file) is proof that something very strange was going on with my husbands work and all I want is some answers.

Detective: I promise to find you some answers about your husband, but you have to understand that this very dangerous work. Tell you what up by 100 and you will get your answer.

Woman: (starts standing up to leave) Thank you Mr Bogart. If I have your word, you have my money.

Detective: You have my word.

Woman: Thank you. (leaves the office)

(takes puff of cig) Smoke fade to mansion

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Audience Research

Using a website called Piktochart, I conducted research on the gender and age of people who go to see certain movies. I created pie charts to show what age and gender people are that went to see certain movies. Here is my Piktochart 

The screenshots of the pie charts are here below

Monday 5 January 2015

Shot List for our thriller opening

Analysing the title sequence of Suits

An establishing shot of New York City. As we can see, there is a blue and black colour scheme which is a prominent theme throughout the intro.

A closeup of the main character's face. Below, we see the actor who plays the character showing the audience who plays him.

  We then get a shot of New York City. A lens flare shows us an orange colour scheme which is very much in contrast to the blue-black colour scheme depicted through the rest of the intro.

We then see the other main character who is depicted in this orange colour scheme. This is perhaps to demonstrate the differences in personality between the two characters.

  We also get a crowd shot depicting the busy nature of New York and its citizens showing the many different lives that people lead whilst living there.

The final shot shows the two characters walking into the building where they work.The title Suits appears and we see there's less fragmentation across the screen. This is perhaps to show us that these two characters have to work together in order to make things right, despite their contrast in character.